Who’s Your Who (1 Samuel #8)

Who’s Your Who

Text: 1 Samuel 6

Let’s look at 1 Samuel 6:20 to begin. There are two questions that get to the heart of man’s trouble before a holy God.

  • Eternal life is a who
  • Righteousness is a who
  • Salvation is a who
  • Redemption is a who

Philistines couldn’t stand (vss 1-12)

  • The ark of God has been a hot potato with the Philistines. It’s been passed around to the major cities and left a wake of destruction in each city. Now the Philistines want to get rid of it. They recognize their nation suffers because of the heavy hand of a personal mighty God.
  • The Philistine CDC – Dr. Fauci goes on PNN – Philistine News Network – tells the people 15 days to slow the spread. The Philistines put together their brightest medical experts and religious leaders who come up with a ridiculous plan. The Philistine Center for Disease Control recommend making golden images of the emerods and mice that have plagued them. Then put them in a box with the ark. Build a new cart to put the ark and the coffer on. Then take two milking cows, tie them to the cart, take away their calves, and send the cows and cart away to see which way it goes.
  • Blood is required for a trespass offering (vs 4).
  • Verse 6 sounds real good but remember these Philistines are trying to get rid of God. They’re not trying to submit to God.

Israelites couldn’t stand (vss 13-21)

  • Not even the nation of Israel who were the ones who received the instructions and built the ark. None was able to stand.

The real question is who

  • The Philistines and the Israelites at this point understand none of them have a mediator that can stand before God, nor do they have any place for God to reside.
  • Eternal life is a who
  • Righteousness is a who
  • Salvation is a who
  • Redemption is a who
  • Maybe you thought a relationship, it’s the boyfriend or the girlfriend that you’re looking to for rest and peace and comfort. Don’t get me wrong, even God said people need people. But instead of trusting the LORD to provide the one He said you needed, you’re just grabbing at the one who showed interest.
  • Maybe you think a baby will solve your discontent. The baby will break your heart one day and babies without moms and dads are brokenhearted. Quit being selfish. Yes, the LORD said it’s good for people to have children when they have children in the context of a committed marriage.
  • Not why, but who.
    • I know whom I have believed in and am persuaded that HE is able to keep that which I’ve committed unto HIM against that day.
    • Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.