The Significance of the Manger

Significance of the Manger

Text: Luke 2:7, 12, 16

The word manger only shows up three times in the Bible; all three times are in the verses we will preach from in Luke chapter 2.

It’s significant why Jesus was there

  • No room in the inn.  The inn would be like a house with a couple extra rooms.
  • I like the Christmas music, the lights, the decorations, the days off work, the presents, the get togethers. But some things about Christmas which is supposed to be a birthday for Jesus Christ.
    • Christmas is the only birthday celebration I know of where everyone else gets gifts except the one with the birthday.  We may say He’s the reason for the season, but how many of you have a gift to give the Lord Jesus Christ?
    • Christmas is the only birthday I know of where sometimes the birthday boy is not allowed to attend.  Instead the heroes are Santa, Rudolph, and Frosty.
  • Let’s get personal.  Haven’t you found in your life fitting Jesus in is like an overbooked innkeeper who would have to say no to other guests in order to make room.
  • It’s significant why Jesus was in the manger.
  • No room because of ignorance.
    • You didn’t know he’d be here, so you’re booked.  No rooms vacant.  You’ve let guests in that you shouldn’t have.
    • Entangled.  Now, it’s going to be hard to get those guests out to make room for him.
  • No room because of indifference.
    • Maybe you didn’t care he was coming.  Church, prayer, Bible, preaching, teaching, witnessing; none of it is “your thing.”
    • You can take him or leave him.  Makes no difference to you.
  • No room because of inconvenience
    • Look, as an innkeeper, to take on a pregnant mother means special accommodations are going to have to be made.
    • Things will have to be rearranged in order to make room and I just don’t want to get into that.

It’s significant that the manger is where the flock was fed

  • The angel said this would be a sign to the shepherds that they’d find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. The sign to the shepherds was unmistakable. The manger is where the flock is fed.
  • Here is Jesus Christ, the bread of life, to feed the flock of God. John 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

It’s significant who was in the manger

  • the babe…That baby is God.  Your calendar would forever be changed with this event.
  • In that manger was the humanity of God (manifest in the flesh, truth, eternal life, wisdom, righteousness, Word made flesh!)