Walking in Truth (3rd John #3)

Walking in truth

3rd John 2-4

Defined (vs 2)

  • Walking in truth is defined as a healthy soul
  • Health: That state in which all parts are sound, well organized and disposed, and in which they all perform freely their natural functions.
  • Walking in truth is your soul at its healthiest.
  • Some “healers” use this verse to say you should be healed if you’re right with God in spite of the fact that it teaches the exact opposite thing. Gaius walks in the truth and is in bad health.
  • Willie Leonard was six years old when he died. Two weeks before he died he seemed to prophesy to his mama, “O, I wouldn’t want to leave you folks here; but then I suppose I would be very happy in heaven, and, mamma, I would watch over you.” His mamma grabbed him and hugged him and wondered why he would think this way. There wasn’t much explanation until two weeks later. He said, “Mamma, I don’t want any little lamb on my tombstone, but I want a little boy lying on the grass as you have seen me lie in the summertime when I was tired out with play.” Shortly after this conversation he got sick with scarlet fever of a diphtherial form. Someone asked him if he had grown up as a sickly boy. He said, “No, not very sick; but I think Jesus is going to take me to heaven to live.” Willie talked about the disposing of his toys and books and clothes. His little brother told him that daddy had to to get Dr. Taplin to which Willie replied, “O, I would rather that Jesus would take me to heaven than for Dr. Taplin to make me well!” And in a few hours his body was quite restless and delirious. This account was made of him: (Read page 137 of Dying Testimonies of Saved and Unsaved)
  • Willie Leonard had a healthy soul, but a sick body.
  • Health industry is big business because people are concerned about their health. Good health in the body is obviously desirable to the point that people are willing to spend all their living for it. Unfortunately, a healthy soul is not as big of a concern.
  • In contrast to a soul that is vexed and in turmoil like Lot in 2 Peter 2:8.
    • It’s what you choose to surround yourself with.
    • You can physically walk in the park, walk in the mall, walk in the store.

Demonstrated (vs 3)

  • Walking in truth is a testimony of others.
  • Others saw Gaius’ life lived. It was their testimony of his life, not his testimony of his own life.
  • These brethren must’ve been excited to tell John this man is faithful. He’s reliable, he’s helpful, he is a blessing.

Desired (vs 4)

  • Walking in truth is the greatest joy of the Father.
  • John says this of Gaius and John is definitely in line with the heart of God here.
  • No greater joy. This is success in life. This is the LORD’s greatest joy to see his children walk in truth. No greater joy is at the top of the list!
  • When you meet the crossroad of temptation think of this. Do I yield to the flesh or do I put a smile on God’s face?
  • For parents, to see your kids meet temptation head on and in spite of the trouble or pain they don’t yield to the temptation, but follow God. That would make you as proud a parent as ever there was.