Christian Liberty #2

Text: 1 Corinthians 8-10

Take a look at 1 Corinthians 8:9. This liberty in Christ is the knowledge of God. Paul uses the term liberty the same way Jesus Christ used the term liberty. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). Liberty has to do with understanding the truth and having the knowledge of God. Look at 2 Corinthians 3:14-17.

Don’t be an enabler (8:1-13)

Liberty in Christ makes me a servant to all men (vss 9:1-12)

Presented with truth, but not walking in truth (vss 10:1-33)

  • Now, Paul is going to illustrate his point with history, particularly the history of Israel.
    • The fathers are the Israelites in the generation of Moses. They are Paul’s biological relatives from the distant past.
    • When they left Egypt they were under the cloud after passing through the Red Sea.
    • Baptized unto Moses means the nation was identified and united with Moses in deliverance from Egyptian slavery.
    • Let’s see if who is here is looking for physical food. And who here is like Nicodemus trying to understand spiritual birth. Versus who here is a disciple of Jesus Christ. The Israelites ate of the spiritual food and drank of spiritual drink, what was the spiritual food?
      • Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
      • They were all taught of God through Moses and enlightened by heavenly wisdom and then were destroyed in the wilderness for tempting God.
    • So Paul speaks here just like he does in Hebrews. He recounts all the blessings that were partaken of by the Israelites, how they were enlightened by the word of God, but then rebelled and dishonored the LORD.
  • Remember, Paul uses the term liberty the same way Jesus Christ used the term liberty. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). Liberty has to do with understanding the truth and having the knowledge of God. Look at 2 Corinthians 3:14-17.
  • Paul recounts Israel’s history of tempting Christ after being presented with truth and enjoying redemption from Egypt and the light of the law (vss 1-14).
    • So the warning is very clear in verse 12.
  • Verses 13-14 say your temptation isn’t unique, and MANY have fallen at the crossroads you find yourself at, therefore flee idolatry.
  • Partaker with idols means you’re not partaking of Jesus Christ (vss 15-33)
    • The fellowship and partaking of the sacrifice of Christ like the Israelites all participated in the sacrifice and the altar.
    • BUT Gentiles were never given any such altar, so their sacrifices are to devils. (vss 16-21).
    • Liberty in Christ is tempered by other people’s consciences. You don’t want to be an enabler (vss 25-33).