Moses is Commissioned (Exodus #4)

Text: Exodus 3

God’s presence is the verification of His acceptance. Look at verse 12. The LORD meets Moses in the same place He will meet Moses to give him the commandments after redeeming the nation from Egypt.

Place (vss 1-6)

  • Horeb is Sinai (Deuteronomy 5:2)
  • The presence of God is what makes the place holy.
  • His presence in the fire prevents the bush from burning.

Purpose (vss 7-10)

  • Why does the LORD call Moses? Moses is faithful and God has a job that needs to be done.
  • The LORD is responsive to the cries of the people of promise.
  • Why does the LORD enlist anyone? Because He has work that He’d like done, he has prayers that He wants to be answered and He finds faithful people to do this work.

Promise (vss 11-18)

  • Moses has the same question anyone who is used by the LORD has, who am I?
  • The promise is the LORD will be with Moses. It’s the LORD’s work.
  • It sounds like what Jesus said when he commissioned the apostles.
  • The token of this commission is that the LORD will meet Moses again in the same place.
  • His name is I AM. That is a name describing an ever-present God.
  • Call his name Emmanuel, God with us.
  • John 1:1-4 in the beginning (John 1:14 made flesh and dwelt among us)
  • Daniel 3 with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed Nego in the fiery furnace
  • And he walks with me, and he talks with me
  • The world is full of gods who aren’t there. The God of the Bible is present.

Power (vss 19-22)

  • The LORD can tell that Pharaoh won’t listen to Moses and has no interest in letting the people go.
  • So Moses is commissioned to be a messenger while the LORD supplies the power behind the commission.