Christ the Creator (Matthew #45)

Text: Matthew 8:23-27

Problems didn’t go away because they followed Christ

  • there arose a great tempest in the sea… (vs 24)
  • Following the Lord didn’t remove the storm.
  • Now, were these men following the Lord Jesus Christ? Yes. If they’re following the Lord, why are they in trouble?
  • If you ever choose to follow the Lord, it won’t change the weather, the world, your own flesh and blood. The thing that changes when a person follows the Lord is who is setting their priorities.
  • Romans 8:31-39 – Paul lists many things that would make you and I think we have been abandoned by God.
    • Adversaries – Romans 8:31 If God be for us, who can be against us? The question in verse 31 should be read in context of everything else that’s been said in Romans 8.  To recap chapter 8, God has removed condemnation in Christ to those who walk after the flesh, then he leads his children by the Holy Spirit, the promise of future glory, the predestination – blueprint of a glorified image that God’s child will be conformed to, and the redemption of present circumstances to the benefit of God’s child.
    • Necessities – Romans 8:32 – God gave us his Son, the greatest gift that he could possibly give – so why would he not give you something that you need – Philippians 4:19
    • Accusations – Romans 8:33 It is God that justifieth.
    • Condemnations – Romans 8:34
    • Trouble – Romans 8:35 – Paul expands the list to tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, and sword?
    • Powerful forces – Romans 8:38
    • Physical – Romans 8:39
  • Now, just b/c you have trouble in life doesn’t mean you’re following the Lord. 

Powerful temptation

  • …insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves… (vs 24)
    • Notice that there is real danger. It’s not that these waves and this storm is not dangerous because Jesus Christ is in the boat.
    • Luke 8:23 But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy.
  • While the disciples are trying to figure out how to survive, Jesus Christ will teach them that discipleship is learning how to die.
    • Take up your cross; crucified with Christ; I die daily
    • Hebrews 12:4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

Peace can be found in His person

  • but he was asleep…(vs 24)
  • God’s character is a reason for strong faith.
  • Find security in who God is because you don’t always know what He’s doing.
  • Not the sleep of apathy, but the sleep of confidence.
  • Psalm 46:10-11 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. 11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.
  • Do you know that God is good?  Do you know that the Lord is merciful and graceful? So the presence of the Lord is enough to give peace.
  • Christ in you the hope of glory

Panic or faith in your Creator?

  • …O ye of little faith… (vs 26)
  • Why are you full of fear?
    • What’s your fear? And why are you full of fear? Psychologists would say you have a phobia. Jesus Christ would wonder where is your faith.
    • I experienced something last year I’ve never experienced in my life. I went in for an MRI for my sciatica. If you’ve ever had an MRI, it’s not a big deal. But I laid down on the board, and as big as I am, I didn’t have much room in that tube. As my head went into the tube I felt panic and closed in. Buy my body reacted in a way I wasn’t expecting. I had to talk my body down and tell it to calm down. Now, a doctor would say I have claustrophobia. The word of God just says fearful, like panic.
  • Notice that little faith is bad, not good.
    • Mustard seed faith is not about the size of faith. Is it the size of the mustard seed? No.  Faith is like the mustard seed. How?
    • Faith is the substance of things hoped for – mustard SEED is the substance of things hoped for.
    • Faith is the evidence of things not seen – mustard seed is evidence of something not yet seen.
    • Furthermore, it’s the part that you CAN’T see in the seed that determines the glory that CAN be seen.
  • Romans 4:20

Place of the tempest was now the place of calm

  • …and there was a great calm… (vs 26)
  • Great calm (vs 26) where a great tempest (vs 24) had been because of the Lord’s commandment.

Personal revelation of the Creator

  • What manner of man is this! (vs 27)
  • The outcome is a greater revelation of who Jesus Christ is
  • He had authority in his teaching doctrine, he had authority over disease, over devils, over sickness, over leprosy, and now over creation.
  • Jesus Christ is the Creator who put aside the lower laws of nature for the higher law of his direct commandment.
  • How can God show you He is the Provider unless He puts you in a position of need?
  • How can God show you He is the Comforter unless you are in a position of great discomfort?