Love God With Your Mind

The LORD wouldn’t tell people to do something with their minds that can’t be done. In fact, this would almost sum up the entire scope of the law and the prophets. This is the most important thing to do is love God with your heart, soul, and MIND. If the mind is serving its purpose, it is functioning the way it was intended to function.

To love someone or something is to occupy yourself with it. Your treasure is occupied by what you love – where treasure is there your heart is also. When you love someone your mind is filled with thoughts about them and how to bless them.

Practice of occupying my mind

  • Deuteronomy 6:5-9
  • Israelites were told to make sure there was constant influence from the words of God. Make sure what’s coming in my eyes and ears is scripture.
  • Thought experiment: Elephant

Problems arise when God is removed from thoughts

  • If you don’t do it there must be consequences. If you took a gallon of milk and used it as a hammer it wouldn’t work. Not only would the task not be done, but you will ruin the gallon of milk, and create a mess in the process.
  • Psalms 10:4 The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.
  • Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

Peace of mind

  • Isaiah 26:1-4 – when thoughts are given to the LORD, peace is the result.
  • Philippians 4:6-8