Proof of Life (Genesis #74)

Text: Genesis 42

Famine drives Jacob’s sons to Egypt (vss 1-2)

Joseph accuses his brothers of being spies (vss 3-20)

Joseph’s brothers blame each other for their condition (vss 21-24)

Joseph’s heart hurt him so he puts provision in their bags (vss 25-28)

The brothers return to Jacob (vss 29-34)

Jacob is stuck in grief (vss 35-38)

Joseph tried his brothers to prove that Benjamin was alive. I think about that with the LORD. The LORD tries the hearts. What’s he looking for? Proof of life. That’s what 1 John is all about. Paul said to work out your salvation. John said this, this, this, and this is how you know eternal life is present. James said if your brother was hungry and you have the means to feed him, but didn’t. Instead, you said, I’ll pray for you. James said your faith is dead. It is powerless. It has no substance, it has no evidence. There is no proof of life there.