The Assurance of Redemption (Ruth #10)

Boaz promised to do the work of redemption. He’s instructed Ruth to sit still and wait until he’s finished what he needs to do. Boaz also is going to give Ruth a token of his promise of redemption.

Boaz gives proof of redemption

  • Ruth is willing. Boaz is a willing kinsman. Boaz is so moved by Ruth’s faithfulness and virtuous character, and he himself is such a gracious man assures Ruth that he will do his part. But before he takes care of the matter of redemption, Boaz gives Ruth a small token to assure her of his intentions. 
  • Boaz is not the voice of fear, he is the voice of assurance. Jesus Christ is not the voice of threat to the believer, he is the voice of confidence!
  • Romans 8:15

Boaz puts the proof in the vail

  • Boaz puts it in the thing that covers Ruth – Bring the vail that thou hast upon thee. Where do I put this token of redemption? He could put it in a bucket. He could put it in a basket. But no, give me the thing that covers you, Ruth.
  • The thing that covers you is your flesh. You are not your body. You are a living soul. You are wrapped in a mortal body. And the LORD says I’m putting the proof of my redemption in you.
  • Romans 8:23-25 and Galatians 4:6-7 …into your hearts…

Boaz puts a small proof of larger blessings

  • I notice also that Boaz gives just a small portion of what is to come.
  • I think of the greatest mountain top experiences in my Christian life that I long to relive. I think at that time in my life I was so close to the LORD. And then I realize those mountaintops on earth are just basement experiences compared to glory. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
  • 2 Corinthians 5:1-5 and Ephesians 1:13-14

Notice what this assurance produces

  • The only thing going through Ruth’s mind after Boaz says what he says is redemption.
  • Naomi asks if Ruth’s identity is about to change; Who art thou my daughter? Which is translated to Naomi asking, Well, do we have a Mrs. Boaz now? (Do we have a child of God in the making?)
  • Boaz will give Ruth a clean testimony (vs 14)
  • Boaz will give Ruth enough for her and those in her care until the redemption is accomplished (vss 15, 17)
  • Boaz will give Ruth something that gives her patience until the redemption (vs 18)