The Cup of Fury (Jeremiah #11)

Text: Jeremiah 25

Work of their hands  (vss 1-7)

  • God was provoked to anger by what the Israelites had built with their hands (vs 7).
  • Jeremiah was instrumental in the revival of king Josiah’s day. Josiah heard the word of God and as a very young king began cleaning out idolatry in Israel. He even destroys the altar built hundreds of years before that leads the northern tribes into fatal idolatry.
  • The works of their hands were judged by the LORD.

You’ll serve the destroyer (vss 8-11)

  • The judgment is that God will send a destroyer who you’ll serve.
  • Why? Because you have not heard my words.
    • So they had never heard of God’s words? No.
    • They aren’t obeying God’s words.
  • The LORD will give the land over to Babylon for seventy years.

Destroying the destroyer (vss 12-14)

  • After the LORD is done with Babylon, he will allow that nation to be destroyed. That happened in Daniel’s time. As he served in the Babylonian government, he saw the decline and eventual fall of the nation to the Medes and Persians.
  • Daniel was able to interpret the handwriting on the wall because of what Jeremiah wrote down in Jeremiah 51.

Drink from the cup of fury (vss 15-33)

  • Isaiah 51:17-23 explains this to Jerusalem (Revelation 17 is the same great city having a golden cup in her hand). See Jeremiah 25:29.
  • There is further application to any and all who have participated with Jerusalem in her merchandising and profiting while hating God’s true servants. And Revelation 14:9-10, 16:19, 17:4, and 18:6.
  • Now, that brings me to a question. Our nation has been allied with Israel and Jerusalem for a while now. The nation is absolutely opposed to the LORD Jesus Christ being the Son of God and actively works against missionary work there. Yet our nation provides benefits and enjoys benefits from Israel. Furthermore, there are no qualms with using their religious heritage and the name Jesus to profit from tourism and holy places, though they don’t believe these things. Does that make us as a nation, participants with Jerusalem in her persecution of God’s people while we benefit from each other?

The Lion of Judah abandoned his covert (vss 34-38)

  • The LORD abandons the land and Isarael in the holy land.
  • Now, this separation was temporary. It lasted 70 years and the LORD sent faithful people back to Jerusalem. But this destruction of Jerusalem permanently puts to rest sinners on David’s throne. There will never be another sinner occupying David’s throne. When the nation returns to Jerusalem to rebuild, they have no king.
  • Where is he that is born king of the Jews? Jesus Christ is the next and last king of the Jews!
  • And what does this King of the Jews say? What does this Lion of the tribe of Judah say when he is in the garden of Gethsemane?
  • Matthew 26:36-43, Jesus Christ would drink of God’s wrath upon sin and once suffer for all of mankind.