Faith of Moses’ Parents (Exodus #2)

Text: Exodus 2:1-4

Fourth generation promise

  • Genesis 15:14-16
  • Stephen preaches this history this way in Acts 7:15-21. He understands the time of the promise drew nigh.
  • Levi had Kohath had Amram had Moses (1 Chronicles 23:6,12)

Failure of the Pharaoh

  • Moses’ parents, Amram and Jochebed, refused to sacrifice their son to this world.
  • They refused to accept the world’s beliefs about their child. Rather, they chose to believe God’s promise about their child in this generation.
  • They refused to accept the world’s demands for their child.
  • Moses is described as a goodly child in Exodus, exceeding fair in Acts, and a proper child in Hebrews. There seems to be something to these descriptions and why Moses’ parents connected him to the promise. Or they wanted to raise him as the one who would deliver Israel, not knowing whether he’d be the one or not. Apparently, even Pharaoh’s daughter saw something in Moses, as did Pharaoh who allowed Moses to grow up in his household.

Faith of Moses’ parents

  • Hebrews 11:23
  • Remember, faith is a response to God’s words. So Amram and Jochebed have believed Genesis 15:14-16. But there’s a problem with that because Genesis 15:14-16 wasn’t written down yet, at least not by Moses. Maybe it was written down by Abraham. Or maybe it was passed on by word of mouth. Either way, God said it to Abraham, and that promise somehow made it through the generations down to Moses’ parents.
  • Moses’ parents protect their children through faith…was hid three months of his parents…
    • Moses’ parent’s faith worked on their child’s behalf when their child was helpless.
    • God did not give them specifics on how to hide the child. They trusted God and did what they could.
    • How do I keep him quiet? How do I hide this child? Longest three months of their lives.
  • Their faith had victory over fear…and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment.
    • Some super-spiritual nut may say that if you’re hiding you’re afraid.
    • Now, this is a VERY valuable lesson. Faith does not abolish fear, it simply ignores the intimidation of wickedness and obeys God.
    • If I get victory over fear, that means fear is present and fighting at the point of decision. It doesn’t mean fear is gone. It means fear no longer makes demands on my life when I make my decision. Now, over time, after the right decision, the fear will disappear for a while.
  • Faith that saves according to Exodus 2:5-10. Moses’ life is saved.