Be Temperate (Titus #16)

Be Temperate

(Be Holy)

Text: Titus 1:8

To describe the weather as temperate means mild. Not given to wild outbursts or excessive heat or cold. To describe a person as temperate is to be emotionally controlled. Other forms of this description are temperance or moderation.

Later on in Titus 2:2 the aged women are supposed to be temperate.

In this country, there was a temperance movement. It eventually led to prohibition laws.

Temperance is God’s will

  • Galatians 5:25 says temperance is part of God’s will because it’s something the spirit of God produces.
  • The fact that the spirit of God produces this does not mean it’s something that happens to you against your will. Creating temperance is not a passive thing where you wait on God.

Temperance is something you choose

  • 2 Peter 1:6 Peter would say add this to your faith.
  • This is one of those things you realize God does his part to create this in people. He gives them hope and He gives them a future in Jesus Christ.
  • But then it’s our duty to add it to our walk with the LORD.

Temperance is necessary

  • 1 Corinthians 9:25
  • A gold medalist has to control the things that hinder success. He’ll be temperate in some things. He won’t be temperate in his practice. If he’s a runner, he’s going to be running all the time. No moderation there. But he will probably moderate his diet, his sleep, and his experience of pleasure.
  • Christians do not have a corner on the market for this type of discipline. Anyone who is successful has this applied to some areas of their lives. The difference between a Christian’s temperance and anyone else’s is the motive. They do it for something temporary. Christians do it for something of lasting value.

Acts 24:25 Paul reasoned with Felix in his trial about temperance.