Seeing the Light

Seeing the Light

(Christ Magnified in Bartimaeus)

Text: Mark 10:46-52

The Need (vs 46)

  • Bartimaeus needs to see light
  • Every day wake up in darkness.
  • What are the memories of a blind man? He can’t learn through his eyes.
  • As an allegory Proverbs 4:19 The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble. (This tells you something of God’s role for Christians in the world. To shine a light on the areas where people stumble.)
  • He’s needy and he knows it.
  • People would come by and put money in Bartimaeu’s cup. Contributions that could never change Bartimaeus’ situation.
  • A lady who lost her sight late in life and all the little things taken for granted. She still went to the mirror on a daily basis though she couldn’t see. She didn’t know if she looked pretty or not, if her clothes matched, if her hair was nice.

The Approach (vs 47)

  • Bartimaeus comes to Jesus Christ by faith 
  • Calls Jesus the Christ by calling him the Son of David
  • Identified by what he heard, like you and I, and any sinner that will come to Jesus Christ.
  • The ones that came for what they could see rarely if ever stuck around.  But the ones who came to hear stayed.
  • This infirmity made Bartimaeus more prepared in, many ways, to receive help from the Lord than the people who could see around him.
  • Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior (by Fanny Crosby)

The Opposition (vs 48)

  • Bartimaeus is instructed to be silent
  • He faces opposition getting to the Lord. Opposition to the light is a reality that you and I need to come to terms with.
  • BUT, Bartimaeus had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Earnestly contend.
  • Our prayers and lives are missing this because we don’t really believe there is much to contend for. We seem to either no believe contending for the faith is necessary because eternal security or Jesus did it all, or we contend for things that don’t matter.

The Call (vs 49)

  • Bartimaeus has met all the qualifications to be heard by the LORD Jesus Christ. You say, are there really qualifications? You bet. Humility, faith, trust.
  • What would cause the LORD to stop what He’s doing and take notice? But Jesus did not stop what He was doing. Doing good IS what he’s doing! He’s busy calling people to the light.
  • Comforting call
    • The opposition was now making the offer
    • The enemies had become evangelists
    • The wisdom of God to take a painful circumstance and use it for a productive change. 

The Change (vs 50)

  • Bartimaeus throws off his old clothes.
  • Christianity is explained this way by Paul. Ephesians 4:21-24 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
  • Bartimaeus throws his old rags in full rejection of his old life and full trust that Jesus Christ is going to make something new out of him! 

The Confession (vs 51)

  • The question Jesus asks what wilt thou that I should do UNTO thee? Because there is something about your open acknowledgment to the Light of the World what your particular hindrance is to that light.
  • What part of you do you want changed? My fear is that most people don’t come to Christ for change. They come to Christ for a “free ticket,” maybe, because that’s how you’ve offered Him.
  • We ask, Do you want to go to heaven? Instead of, the way Jesus asked, How do you want me to change your life?
  • The thing that had defined Bartimaeus’ life was something he wanted to get rid of.
  • If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

The Salvation (vs 52)

  • Faith is access to the light. The Lord didn’t always respond this way to people. What you find is that the Lord responds to faith in Him.
    • Faith pleases God
    • Faith comes by hearing the word of God
  • Bartimaeus is now a follower of Christ
    • He will now walk in the light.