The Value of a Home

The Value of a Home

(Marriage by Design)

Text: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 But continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing who taught you; And that from a child you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, fully furnished unto all good works.

The gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ is so much more than where you go when you die.

  • The American gospel is a very small thing.
  • When Paul wrote about salvation, he was talking about an all-encompassing WAY of new life apart from the old life of living carnal lives committed to gods that were no gods at all.
  • Jesus said Count the cost. Some of you are turned off by people identifying as something they are not, but you self-identify as a Christian without any characteristics of Christ’s disciples.
  • Being a Christian is a new life meaning a new way of living.

Timothy was taught from the Old Testament that God is pleased when people trust Him.

  • That faith affects all aspects of life; to define behavior, to set direction, to correct, and to encourage in what is good.
  • That faith came to a Head in Jesus Christ who is the manifestation of God’s will.
  • Timothy was taught at home that the scriptures were a way of life.
    • That scriptural way provides emotional support, and a sense of belonging crucial for mental health and resilience.
    • That scriptural way provides socialization and teaches norms, values, and behaviors that help him do good in society.
    • That scriptural way provides skills to live life in a healthy way.
    • That scriptural way provides a community where people support can contribute to economic stability and opportunity.
    • That scriptural way provides relationship skills such as communication, forgiveness, truth, and conflict resolution, which are essential for healthy relationships.
    • That scriptural way provides hope and patience: positive long-term outcomes, including greater marital satisfaction, better parent-child relationships, and overall life satisfaction.
    • That scriptural way teaches how to handle challenges and adapt to changing circumstances.
    • That scriptural way points to Jesus Christ as the embodiment of God, who lights the path.

The God of the Bible built an environment called a family in which the things that are valuable in life would have an opportunity to be planted and grow in people.

  • LORD chooses to reveal himself in terms of family. A father. A Son. Jesus asked, Who are my mother and brother and sisters? Aren’t they the ones who hear my words and do them? The Bible establishes the family as a foundational unit with spiritual and societal importance.
  • It’s in identity where you learn what your expectations and responsibilities are. Where you learn what your opportunities and hopes are.
  • Who am I? I am a father. Not just any father, but Ben, Bethany, Sam, Megan, and Sarah’s father. I am a husband. Not just any husband. I am Marybeth’s husband.
  • People might say of Ms Betty, That’s Catherine’s mother.
  • Your identity becomes the set of expectations, responsibilities, opportunities, and hopes you take on.
  • God is like a father. Jesus Christ is like a son. That’s relatable because God made the family to grow what is valuable in life.
  • Not every family looks the same, but every family has the same purpose. It’s the purpose God created it for. 
    • Some families are husband and wife, but no children.
    • If you’re the youngest child, then your family is your siblings and mom and dad. Or stepmom and dad, or grandma or grandpa.
    • If you’re a widow, your family may be your children.
    • In some families, the cousins are very close.
    • Not every family looks the same, but every family has the same purpose to be an incubator for what is valuable in life because it is valuable to God.

You learn to humbly obey at home.

  • You first learn what obedience and disobedience feels like in your home.
    • I use the phrase “feels like” on purpose. Obedience is doing what you’re told contrary to what you feel like doing. Humble obedience is about getting control of your emotions. 
    • Remember that these things in life are personified in Jesus Christ for the Christian.
    • The LORD Jesus Christ in the household of God learned obedience by the things which he suffered.
    • The LORD Jesus Christ obeyed His parents and honored the authorities in his life.
    • You’ll also learn what disobedience feels like.
      • Disobedience feels good.
      • Sometimes disobedience doesn’t feel like anything.
      • Sometimes it feels like you’re in control.
    • This is where you learn how to learn.
      • Proverbs says hear the instruction of your mom and dad. Home is where you learn how to learn.
  • Proverbs 13:24 He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. Solomon isn’t saying that you don’t have feelings for your children. He’s not saying you don’t have empathy for them. The Holy Spirit is saying you don’t know how to love them.
  • Christian faithfulness in children looks like children obeying their parents like Jesus Christ did.

You learn to love at home.

  • You learn love in a marriage.
    • Husbands LOVE your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it.
    • You’ll learn how to apply love the way Jesus Christ did for the purpose of sanctifying his people.
  • Wives and moms must be taught love.
    • This seems counterintuitive at the surface, but it’s not.
    • That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children.
    • Again, this is not about empathy or feeling connected, but how to actually love your children if you have them and love your husband if you have one.
  • Love is also financial support
  • 1 Timothy 5:3-8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
    • This is what godliness looks like. This is what faithfulness to Christ is. This is honoring Jesus Christ in your life in this situation.

You learn patience at home. Whether parents to children, children to parents, adult children to adult parents, home is the first social structure where you learn patience.

You learn forgiveness at home. Whether parents to children, children to parents, adult children to adult parents, home is the first social structure where you learn forgiveness.

We could go on with valuable life skills that God set up the home to be our first classroom. The God of the Bible built an environment called a family in which the things that are valuable in life would have an opportunity to be planted and grow in people. This is one of the great values of your home. Whether you’re young parents, newlyweds, widowed, or single, we’re all a part of a family. Christian faith is how you’ll honor Jesus Christ. In every scenario we mentioned, there are ways to apply faith to your situation.