False Confidence and Faith Confidence

An Evening Prayer

(The Perspective of the Psalms)

Text: Psalm 4

  • The last thing David does before going to sleep is pray this way. That’s verse eight.
  • Keep in mind this is the first book of Psalms that includes Psalms 1-41 which focuses on a relationship with God based on trust.
  • It is also what we would call evangelistic in that it is meant for an audience of unbelieving people. David will instruct them to pay attention, humble themselves, and listen and give themselves to self-reflection in connection with divine reflection. (I say that because most people self-reflect in an unproductive way. Either we are not honest with ourselves because we will not consider anything contrary to us, or we are hard on ourselves without a remedy.)
  • In this Psalm, David is a prophet and a teacher.

Faith confidence is rewarded by God (vss 1-2)

  • God of my righteousness is the God who sees good intentions and good behavior and rewards it.
    • That is the trust David is talking about. The trust that the God of Israel is the one who rewards.
    • Jesus explains this over and over in his teachings in the gospels. John makes sure this is understood when he writes. Paul bases Christian behavior on this principle when he says the Lord is the rewarder in his letter to the Colossians.
  • Enlarged me when I was in distress is a way of saying you helped me grow up.
    • Look how big you are! Something we say to kids we haven’t seen in a long time.
    • The LORD magnified David in his distress.
  • How long…how long… David sounds like he is in disbelief at what people persist in.
    • How long will you ignore the wall you keep running into?
    • People can be unmovable in their proud opposition to reality. It is almost unreal to think about.

Faith confidence knows it is heard by God (vss 3-4)

  • God hears godly people.
  • David understood his job is to be the godly soul that God can set apart for His purpose.
    • God hears his children because they are like Him.
    • There is a contrast to God not hearing people who are not like him. Isaiah told the Israelites that God did not listen to their prayers because their iniquity separated them from God.
  • Evangelistic instruction in verse four
    • Now is the time for real self-reflection. Quit your anger. Quit your false accusations and reflect on the principles that brought you here.
    • It is time to entertain hard questions that dig into the beliefs that have led to your hatred and bad behavior.
  • The “be still” is like telling a child to be still. Quit fighting. Quit fighting God. Let the light do its work in revealing your motives for what they are.

Faith confidence is the practice of righteousness (vss 5-8)

  • Now David turns to the faithful to instruct them in the way of righteousness.
  • David does not say to offer the blood of bulls and goats. He says to offer the sacrifices of righteousness. What is that? It is what faith looks like.
    • Psalm 51:16-19 explains these sacrifices.
    • In the New Testament, it is Hebrews 13:15-16 that explains these sacrifices.
  • Verse six is David’s prayer. Lord, make your blessings known. Look to us and make it clear to everyone else as it is clear to us that your blessings are on the good and righteous.
  • This faith that brings rejoicing is not seasonal.
    • It is not circumstantial peace – more gladness than when the corn and wine increased – I have got peace from you.
    • In fact, in this situation, I have more joy than in times of prosperity.
    • Because David trusts in the God of Israel, he is at peace.
    • Because David trusts in the God of Israel he is a teacher of all men.
    • Because David trusts in the God of Israel, David gets the rest he needs.