Sound Doctrine (Titus #18)

Sound Doctrine

Text: Titus 2

(Silencing the Critics)

Sound doctrine means the things that Jesus Christ taught his disciples to teach all nations. Look at verse 1 and then verse 15. Everything in between describes sound doctrine.

Living godly (vss 1-12)

  • Applications of faith
  • Sound doctrine, faithfully obeying God’s words, has different applications depending on who you are and when you are in life.
  • There was a time in my life when I felt like everything about Christianity was reduced to reading your bible, praying, and telling others that Jesus died for them. Christianity cannot be reduced to that. There is so much more application to life than just those things.
  • Aged men
  • Aged women
  • Young women
  • Young men
  • Servants to masters
  • Sound doctrine consists of good works
    • Jesus said Christians are the light of the world as he was, that men would see your good works and glorify the Father.
    • There is a pattern of sound doctrine that glorifies God and silences the critics.

Looking for Jesus Christ

  • Christ brings the rewards with him. He is the vindicator of what is good, so hope is in Jesus Christ.
  • This is the future of Christianity; God’s people in Christ with a glorious future ahead.
  • Look up, your redemption draws near.
  • Set your affection on things above because your life is hidden with Christ.
  • Jesus said private faith yields public glory.

Loving good works

  • This has been so diminished in Christianity because in evangelical denominations, everything Christian is about salvation in a moment of time. This is not the biblical view of salvation, nor is it the point of Christianity.
  • The LORD wants to create people who love good works and therefore are a light to the world. They do good to honor Jesus Christ and their goodness is fruit born from the spirit of God in their lives.
  • Jesus went around doing good. His people have the same desires and behaviors their Master and Lord have. They love doing good. They love overcoming evil with good. This is what Christianity is.