Joshua Overview

Overview of Joshua

(Joshua Overview)

Preparation for Conquest (Joshua 1-5)

  • Commissioning of Joshua (1:1-9)
  • Encouragement to be strong and courageous (1:10-18)
  • Send spies into Jericho who meet Rahab (2:1-24)
  • The Israelites cross the Jordan river (3:1-17)
  • Setting up stones of remembrance (4:1-9)
  • They pass over Jordan with the ark (4:10-24)
  • Circumcision at Gilgal (5:1-9)
    • Joshua 5:2-9 Circumcised, putting off the flesh, just like the Holy Spirit of God is received by a sinner and the body of flesh is put off.
    • Called Gilgal because the reproach of Egypt was rolled away.
  • The appearance of the Commander of the Lord’s Army (5:13-15)
    • Joshua 5:10-11 Old things are passed away and behold all things have become new.
    • Joshua 5:12 No more miraculous feeding from the Lord, it’s time to learn to be nourished by what will be found in the inheritance. Fulfill your opportunity.
    • Joshua 5:13-15 Now they’d be led by the Lord himself. Israelites would learn to possess and be satisfied by holy ground.

Conquest of the Inheritance (Joshua 6-12)

  • Conquest of Jericho (6:1-27)
  • The sin of Achan and its consequences (7:1-26)
  • Conquest of Ai (8:1-29)
  • Renewal of the covenant at Shechem (8:30-35)
  • The Gibeonite deception (9:1-27)
  • Southern campaign (10:1-43)
  • Northern campaign (11:1-23)
  • Recap of the defeated kings (12:1-24)

Division of the Land (Joshua 13-22)

  • Instructions for land distribution (13:1-7)
  • Land allotments to the Transjordan tribes (13:8-33)
  • Land allotments to the West Bank tribes (14:1-15:63)
  • Land allotments to Ephraim and Manasseh (tribe of Joseph) (16-17)
  • Allotments for the priests and Levites, Shiloh (18:1-28)
  • Cities of refuge (20:1-9)
  • Levitical cities (21:1-45)
  • Dispute with the Transjordan tribes settled (22:1-34)

Joshua’s Farewell and Death (Joshua 23-24)

  • Joshua’s farewell address (23:1-16)
  • Renewal of the covenant at Shechem (24:1-28)
  • Death of Joshua and Eleazar (24:29-33)