The Role of the Prophet

The Role of the Prophet

The first ones to raid the temple in Jerusalem was not Babylon, it was Israelites in the northern tribes. After this, there is a flurry of writing prophets.

In the Bible the title prophet is not used in a “biblical” sense, it is the general sense where a prophet is anyone who has a reputation for speaking for a divine being. Paul told Titus that a prophet of their own said the Cretians are always liars.

Someone who speaks on God’s behalf

  • Genesis 20:7
    • There is an underlying reality that is explained in Christianity.
    • Sin perverts that good way that is the underlying reality of all creation.
    • Periodically, the Creator intervenes in His creation with a plan of reconciliation
  • Exodus 7:1
  • Exodus 15:20 (the wife of a prophet)
  • Deuteronomy 13:1-5
  • 2 Kings 21:10
  • James 5:10

The heart of God is that all his people are prophets

  • Numbers 11:29
  • The prophet is more powerful than the king.
    • The role of the prophet preceded a throne and the kings in Israel.
    • The prophet annointed the king in Israel.
  • Acts 2:17-18

The Messiah is the Prophet

  • Deuteronomy 18:15-22
  • Jesus Christ is the final word to mankind. See Hebrews 1.
  • This is part of what it means that Jesus Christ is the Word in John 1. The words of God have always been a reconciling influence on man. And now the embodiment of those words is here.