Silencing the Critics (Titus #17)

Silencing the Critics

(Church Planting)

Text: Titus 1:9-16

Censorship is a big topic. The silencing of people can be problematic. Paul recommends silencing some people. Only not politically silencing them but silencing lies and accusations against Christ.

Silence the critics by sound doctrine.

  • Sound doctrine creates sound behavior.
  • Paul just got through listing behaviors. Did you notice he characterized those behaviors as sound doctrine?

Silence the critics by rebuke.

  • Why silence them?
    • Subvert people.
    • Steal money.
    • Make accusations like accusing all Cretians of being something they’re not. They’re racist in that way.
  • The public rebukes of their lies and their ways.
  • Make the rebuke clear and direct about this type of teaching and false accusation.
  • Point out their Jewish fables

Silence the critics because they will corrupt everything

  • They’ll corrupt everything they touch because they themselves are corrupt.
  • They’ll corrupt things by professing godliness but spreading lies and false accusations.