We All Need Answered Prayer

David Needs Answered Prayer

(Seek the Lord)

Text: Psalm 6

Neginoth is a stringed instrument. Sheminith means an eighth. This is either the key or the timing of the music. The psalm is a congregational song or a congregational prayer. David is the voice for a faithful remnant in Israel many many times in the Psalms.

You and I NEED answered prayer. You and I NEED to hear from God; if thou become silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer. (6:9)

Answered prayer requires me to be honest about myself before God

  • Confession says God has a right to be angry at my treatment of His things
    • Conviction when you know God has a right to be mad at you.
    • Don’t punish me because you’re mad at me
    • Don’t punish me punitively
    • The irony is that when you accept your punishment, you don’t really need it anymore. You’ve got the point.
    • Repentance means I’m going to stop doing this thing that makes God mad at me.  See Jonah 3:9-10
  • My weakness (vs 2)
    • …I am weak… is tough to honestly admit this. We all say it when we don’t believe it.
    • Not that I had a bad upbringing or my chemistry is off.
    • Be careful of the excuses you make for sin.
  • My pain (vs 3)
  • …soul is sore vexed…
  • When you’re trapped at every turn. Every little bit of life’s enjoyment is punished by someone’s selfishness. You’re backed into a corner. 

Wait for the Lord to speak (vss 4-7)

  • …Return O Lord…
  • This is David’s depression.
  • He feels hopeless and helpless. Depression feels like it’s your responsibility to live and carry around emptiness and hopelessness, but you’re not allowed to die.
  • Wait on the LORD.

Get on the right side of God when He answers (vss 8-10)

  • David’s enemies will be scattered when God answers David.
  • That means that when the Lord chooses to answer, you’d better find yourself on the right side of God.
  • It is a double-edged sword, what is salvation to some is damnation to others.