The Righteous King

The Righteous King

Text: Psalms 9

(Grace in the Psalms)

Praise to the King of Righteousness for His righteous acts (vss 1-5)

  • David speaks to the LORD
  • David praises the LORD for His righteous behavior.
  • The LORD made righteous judgments in David’s life.

Warning to the enemies of righteousness (vss 6-9)

  • David speaks to the LORD’s enemies
  • The LORD will outlive the evil. He is the one that brings it to an end.
  • The LORD is the righteous Judge.
  • Abraham asked the LORD, Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?
  • The LORD is also a haven of rest for the innocent, particularly when evil has overstepped its bounds.

Faith is what makes man’s relationship with God fruitful (vs 10)

  • David speaks to the LORD
  • Them that seek the LORD? I thought no one seeks the LORD. Just like the Proverbs, answer according to folly versus don’t answer according to folly, these statements have context. Paul would say none seeks God, referencing Ecclesiastes and describing the Jews, but would also say that many people seek God in Romans 2.
  • When it comes to trust as the basis for a productive relationship with God, Jesus said his family were the ones who hear and do the words of God.

The city on a hill is a beacon of hope promoting the righteous King (vss 11-12)

  • David speaks to Israel
  • David reminds the capital of Israel that God protects the innocent.
  • And the nation is supposed to be an evangelist to the nations.

David requests a righteous judgment (vss 13-15)

  • David speaks to the LORD
  • David’s request is for righteousness to be executed, not just for him to be delivered out of trouble. This corresponds with God’s mercy.

Israel must understand that the foundations of God’s judgment are in righteousness (vss 16-18)

  • David speaks to Israel
  • Once again, David understands the distinction between God’s people and God’s enemies is wickedness versus righteousness, not Jew versus Gentile. In fact, David reminds his own nation that all nations that forget God will be turned into hell!

David requests that God’s righteousness would be made visible (vss 19-20)

  • David speaks to the LORD
  • He likens the wicked destruction to the LORD arising. These things are the same.