What is Ruth About?

What is Ruth About?

(Ruth’s New Life)

Chapter 1 – FAMINE

  • Cares of this World (1:1-5)
  • Returning Home (1:6-18)
  • Grief (1:19-22)

Chapter 2 – HARVEST

  • Providence (2:1-3)
  • When Grace Met Faithfulness (2:4-17)
  • Why Not Keep Going? (2:18-23)

Chapter 3 – THRESHING

  • Answered Prayer (3:1-5)
  • Spiritual Leadership (3:6-7)
  • A New Identity (3:8-13)
  • A Token of Redemption (3:14-18)


  • Ready to Redeem (4:1-12)
  • Obed and the Christian (4:13-22)

What is Ruth about?