Curriculum for Christians

The Christian’s Education

(Child-like Faith)

Matthew 5-7

  • Jesus’ transformative teaching
  • The famous Sermon on the Mount was so outrageous to Jewish culture.
  • Jesus is teaching on a mountainside instead of in the temple or synagogue.
  • Jesus is relating people to a spiritual Father in ways they’ve not heard before. Certainly, for Jews, Jesus’ teaching was extraordinary. His way was far superior to the traditions the Jewish priests and scribes were teaching. But what he was teaching had been hinted at by the prophets.

Who is blessed? (5:1-16)

  • Beatitudes
    • Poor in spirit
    • They that mourn
    • The meek
    • Hunger and thirst after righteousness
    • The merciful
    • The pure in heart
    • The peacemakers
    • Those persecuted for righteousness’ sake. James would say those who have their faith tried. Great is your reward.
  • These are the salt of the earth
  • These are the light of the world
  • So men may see your good works and glorify your Father (vs 16)

Keep your heart for out of it are the issues of life (5:17-48)

  • This famous Sermon on the Mount would have been so outrageous to the traditions of the Jews, but to the faithful remnant of Jews who understood the scriptures and the prophets it was the fruition of their hope (vs 17).
  • You’ve heard it said don’t kill. But I say if you can’t control your anger you’ve lost the battle (vss 21-26)
  • You’ve heard it said don’t commit adultery, but I say if you fantasize about her or him, you’ve already lost the battle (vss 27-32).
  • You’ve heard it said don’t make promises to God and not keep them, but I say don’t make promises to God at all (vss 33-37).
  • You’ve heard it said an eye for an eye, but I say turn the other cheek (vss 38-42). Paul tells the Corinthians to act like this and quit bringing each other to court.
  • You’ve heard it said love your friends and hate your enemies, but I say love your enemies (vss 43-48).

Rewards come from the Father (6:1-34)

  • Alms before your Father, not before men (vss 1-4).
  • Prayers before your Father, not before men (vss 5-15).
  • Fast before your Father, not before men (vss 16-18).
  • Paul told the Colossian church not to be men-pleasers, but to please God who rewards.
  • Wherever you place the value is where your heart is.
    • The hypocrites play religion but they only value what men think of them.
    • The hypocrites loves the praise of men because they love money.
    • But the Father has structured parts of nature to display how He takes care of his own: birds, flowers, etc.
  • Verses 31-34, don’t be like the nations who stress and fret and devour each other so that they can get theirs.
  • If you’re a child of the Father, then do right, be responsible, and trust the Father to take care of you.

Self-examined life (7:1-14)

  • Learn to take your own medicine (vss 1-5).
  • Don’t profane good judgment by becoming critical.
  • Treat people the way you want to be treated, because this is the Father behaves and the way any good father behaves. They give good things to their children especially if their children need these things. This is the whole law and prophets according to verse 12 (vss 7-12).

The wise children of God hear and do the words of the Shepherd (vss 15-27)

  • Beware of false prophets who use my name but ignore what I say. Their fruit will betray who they are. Some will even deceive themselves because they won’t examine their own life in light of God’s words (vss 15-23).
  • The wise build their house on the rock of the words of God. They build their house on Christ who is the Rock of their salvation. But the fools hear the word, but fail to do it. James says be doers of the word, not hearers only (vss 24-27).

Jesus taught with authority!