Psalm 25 – Redemptive Guidance

Psalm 25

Text: Psalm 25

(The King of kings)

I’ve been asked why did you choose the ministry. It isn’t because I have a life verse or walked the aisle as an emotional response to a sermon. My calling was very matter-of-fact. Through the process of time and exposure to Christianity, this truth became real to me. God’s guidance is how His redemptive work operates. And I thought there is nothing better to be a part of than God’s redemptive work. This is the most real thing on earth. Then I set out to learn the scriptures, to learn from the Master and Lord Jesus Christ, to be a part of God’s redemptive plan.

God’s guidance requires patience (vss 1-5)

  • David says Lord, I’m trusting you to come through here.
  • Temptation is to take control so you don’t get hurt.
  • We won’t give enough time to God’s voice (Bible) to know how we should feel or what we should do.
  • But his direction may only be a step at a time. You know where you’re going is ultimately good, but you may not be comfortable with what’s 5 or 10 steps ahead of you.

God’s guidance is how His redemptive work operates (vss 6-14)

  • You know this is God’s redemptive plan because David keeps saying things like teach sinners in the way and the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth.
  • This is why he gives pastors and teachers and overseers so guidance can be provided.
  • Ethiopian man in Acts 8, how can I except some man guide me?
  • Because God’s guidance is redemptive, it implies he is working with broken things.
    • Sins of my youth David says.
      • Things picked up in youth.
      • Or things he did in his youth that he’s not doing now.
  • Thy goodness’ sake
  • For these broken, sinful, people to get what they need from the Lord, they must be meek, humble, and fear the Lord.
  • God’s guidance not only requires patience but also humility
    • Meek (vs 9)
    • Obedient (vs 10)
    • God-fearing men (vss 12-14)

God’s guidance leads to this redemptive work (vss 15-22)

  • …he shall pluck my feet out of the net… 
  • bring thou me out of my distress… 
  • forgive all my sins… 
  • keep my soul, and deliver me… 
  • redeem Israel out of all his troubles.