Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | TuneIn | RSS | MoreText: 2 Corinthians 2:10-11 We’re all familiar with guilt-tripping because we’ve done it to other people and we’ve had it done to us. It’s when guilt is used as a weapon. It’s a Satanic device by the […]
3 posts Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | TuneIn | RSS | MoreText: 2 Samuel 16:11-12 Guilt is a compelling thing. It’s universal. In some cultures, it’s stronger than in others. Dad’s question about being a good parent. David is fleeing Jerusalem because his son Absalom has taken control […]
After Eliphaz accuses Job without any particular sin being named, Job defends himself and points out the foolishness of Eliphaz's counsel.