Is There an Age of Accountability?

Are children accountable as soon as they understand right from wrong?

Or is there an age when God makes children responsible for their souls?

  • Heathen nations don’t believe souls are responsible until a certain age. For instance in the U.S. the age is 16 for some things, 18 for other things, and 21 for other things. But in some places you can decide to change your sex at any time, even if you can’t drive, vote, drink, or be tried as an adult.

Do children need to be “born again”?

What is it that makes a soul accountable?

  • Genesis 2:16-17.
  • It was the knowledge of good and evil that changed mankind. Accountability all depends upon their knowledge of good and evil. (James said he that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.)
  • Adam and Eve knew to do good which meant eat freely of every tree around, just don’t eat from this one. Maybe the tree wasn’t meant for food? Maybe a cherub/serpent lived there? Adam and Eve knew what good was. But if they eat of this particular tree, that act of unbelief will give them knowledge of evil.

Look at Deuteronomy 1:39 because this explains what it means to know good and evil.

  • I always wondered how someone would know who knew good and evil? How would you tell?
  • Look how he characterizes unbelief. Evil heart of unbelief as interpreted in Hebrews 3:7-13
  • That generation of adults who knew the instruction of God to take the land chose unbelief.
  • The children in that generation did not know the commandment to take the land, or what that meant, and therefore didn’t have an opinion on God’s instruction.

David understood this in 2 Samuel 12:23.

What about mentally incapable people? Are there examples in the Bible?

What does this mean for those who want to baptize their baby?

What do you say to someone who argues since all babies are safe with the LORD, isn’t abortion a good thing since you’re sending children to heaven?