Rebellion as Witchcraft (1 Samuel #34)

Perfect for this Halloween month. It’s got witches, seances, the dead speaking, and the ominous shadow of death over the very sad life of a king. The chapter is heartbreaking.

We’ve come to the last night of king Saul’s life. The LORD stopped guiding him long ago when he stopped taking direction from the LORD. And now absent any divine revelation Saul seeks the counsel of a witch. A medium specifically. And it’s so fateful that Saul is going to seek a witch for help. Samuel the preacher warned Saul years ago rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king. The day before Saul’s death he’s desperately looking for help from a witch because rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.

God is silent (vss 3-6)

Rebellion has now led to witchcraft (vss 7-14)

  • People palm reading, looking into astrology and the signs in the stars, reading your horoscope, etc. That is all done because there is no voice of God in your life.
  • A people in rebellion to God are fascinated with witchcraft and sorcery.
  • People who don’t know where the book of Genesis is can name all the books in the Lord of the Rings. People who can’t find the book of Galatians can name all the Harry Potter books.
  • Acts 19:16-20 This stuff has always been a main staple of literature and entertainment.
  • Acts 16:16-21, there has always been money in it. People will tolerate unclean spirits. People will use unclean spirits to make money and will spend money on unclean spirits.

The unreasonableness of seeking the medium (vss 15-20)

  • Samuel somehow makes an appearance. He rebukes Saul with a question. If God isn’t speaking to you, what possible information could I have to help you?! Do you think I am more knowledgeable than God? If the LORD isn’t speaking to you, there is nothing I can help you with.
  • My encounter with a witch.

Clarity in the face of death (vss 21-25)

  • It’s that time in everyone’s life when they stand face to face with the decisions they’ve made in regard to God. And it’s too late to change anything at this point.
  • You come face to face with your own mortality and death becomes a real enemy you can’t beat. Suddenly there is clarity and soberness.
  • Isaiah 8:19-20 Looking among the dead? Why?!
  • I would say beware of witchcraft, but it’s more like beware of rebellion when God speaks to you. Witchcraft is a symptom like fever is a symptom. It’s not the virus, it’s a symptom of the virus. Witchcraft is a symptom of rebellion.