Comforts in this Life

The Comforter was sent because the Lord knows something about serving God in this world will require comfort. The world desperately searches for pleasure in the midst of stress and trouble. But a Christian isn’t seeking pleasure in order to distract from the suffering. What a soul who trusts in the LORD has available is comfort.

Now, where is this comfort found?

Comfort in His protection

  • Psalm 23:4 – rod and staff comfort me.
  • The faithful shepherd of my soul is a defense. He is a  fortress. He is my rock.
  • He will with the temptation make a way out.

Comfort in forgiveness

  • Palm 51 lists so many things that accompany guilt.
  • 2 Corinthians 2:7

Comfort in the scriptures

  • Romans 15:4

Comfort in preaching

  • 1 Corinthians 14:3 & 31 (Interesting how most people think prophecy is doom and gloom and scary stuff, but the Bible says prophecy is a comfort.)
  • We need preaching. Nothing is magical about being in church, sitting in a pew, or being on this property. And some of you would do well to leave distractions at home whether they be devices, and I’ll be honest, sometimes the distraction is people who don’t want to be here.
  • Some of you are so distracted God CAN’T comfort you even when He wants to.

Comfort in fellowship

  • 2 Corinthians 7:13
  • If you’re not faithful in service with others, you’ll find yourself seeking pleasure and distraction.
  • There is a bond and comfort in the trenches.
  • So many times one faithful group of people is comforted by another faithful people.

Comfort in the future

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:18, 5:8
  • This keeps me sane. This gives me perspective and hope that makes me want to be sanctified. It prevents me from being desperate in this life.