Don’t Pray Like This

There are clearly prayers said that God doesn’t listen to or care about. Sometimes the Lord says don’t pray about this because the answer is clear. But regarding your prayer life, which I say to include everything you do about praying, giving requests, taking requests, and actually praying, there are some slippery slopes.

Pretentious prayer

  • Matthew 23:14 Pray to appear to be more spiritual than I am.
  • And I know about these things because I did them early on as a Christian. I’d ask for prayer from someone I respected because of their position being careful to explain that I’m ministering to this person and they need help. Now, I say that, not because I value the prayer, but because I respected that person and wanted them to know that I was doing something spiritual. Do you know what that’s called? Pretense.
  • So a hypocrite prays and makes requests to others so that people know he/she is spiritual. I’m not saying you don’t believe God answers prayer, but I’m saying the reason you brought this up is so others know you’re doing God’s work.
  • This is an incredibly tough thing for missionaries to balance. Mainly because the motive is to let people know what they’re doing and there is pressure to show results.

Attention seeking prayer

  • Matthew 6:5 Hypocrites pray to be seen, not to talk to God.
  • The Lord wants you to pray about small things in your life like thanking him for your food.
  • What He didn’t intend prayer to become is your way of getting attention. You’ll know this when you’re broadcasting things you ought to be trusting God for, or just living through.
  • Don’t abuse the privilege and love of others who take time to pray for you with attention-seeking requests.

Unholy prayer

  • This is a sacrifice of prayer mingled with iniquity. It is prayer INSTEAD of action.
  • James 2:14-17 Instead of praying, give them clothes or food. It’s something you’ll put in God’s hands to do, but you won’t lift a finger to do it.
  • Isaiah 59:1-4 Instead of praying, quit sinning.

Maliciousness cloaked in prayer

  • 1 Peter 2:16, This can apply to other things, but using the privilege of prayer to speak badly about someone else is certainly within the realm of this principle.