Faith is Letting Go

Text: Hebrews 11:17-19

Faith in the promise of God

  • It was a promise from God that gave Abraham the assurance to offer Isaac.
  • This is not about claiming promises that you make up.
  • Do you trust me enough to let your most precious son go, Abraham?
    • Hannah with Samuel
    • It demonstrates a belief that God truly is the giver

Faith that produces a figure of Jesus Christ

  • Abraham credits God with being able to raise Isaac from the dead. Abraham has no idea about Jesus Christ, which means the whole thing is orchestrated by God
  • Abraham was looking for a resurrection (Genesis 22:5)
  • Jehovahjireh, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen (Genesis 22:14) foreshadowing Jesus Christ being lifted up and seen by all.
  • So your faith should produce a picture of Jesus Christ.  Do they see Christ in you?

It gives you an appreciation for what you have

  • If it can be taken away, then what you have in front of you is an opportunity, not a possession.
  • Israel with God’s kingdom taken from them b/c they believed it belonged to them.
  • Some of you believe God gave you a ministry. Or gave you this thing or that thing. But you don’t believe that unless you’re willing to give it up.

Faith on trial

  • When faith is put on trial, it oftentimes deals with what a person is willing to give up.
  • All trials happen here and now. There is no trial after death, just judgment.
  • The trial seems to come with a high price tag, but also a high reward
    • Genesis 22 is where this happens. By this time Abraham has seen God work around his failures to bring about the promised seed, Isaac. As hard as this was for Abraham, it had been made easier by the past work of God.
    • 1 Peter 1:7 trial of faith is valuable to God
    • James 1:3-4 believers have a different perspective of trials. There is an optimism that God is working something out in you. Count it all joy James said.
  • Credit is only given for what’s actually done
    • Now, what if Abraham said God knows my heart? As if Abraham could just disregard what God said with that excuse.
  • Genesis 22:12, 16-18… now I know… because thou hast done this thing.
    • This works against the sinner as well.  Revelation 20:12-13.
    • This works toward a Christian. 2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.