The Forgiven (Luke #31)

Text: Luke 7:36 – 8:3

These verses from 36 to the end of the chapter are one event of Jesus eating dinner at an official religious hypocrite’s house. As Luke does it, he finds Jesus dining as a guest in the home. The purpose of Luke focusing history’s camera on these events is not to find out what meal was prepared but to understand what SPIRITUAL food was served. In this case, the spiritual meat is God’s forgiveness. And by learning that divine doctrine, Luke further highlights Jesus Christ as the Son of God who is able to forgive sins.

Let’s read the story.

Genuine worship comes from the recognition of God’s forgiveness of your PERSONAL sin (vss 36-38)

  • Luke makes the comparison between hypocrisy and true worship
  • Simon
    • Jesus is becoming a popular figure. Typically, people like Simon only want Jesus around them either to be entertained by him or to find fault with him.
    • It’s suggested that Simon has been requesting Jesus make an appearance at his house for the sake of clout. Simon wants this up-and-coming celebrity to hang out at his house like you would want a politician or celebrity at your house.
    • Self-righteous Simon is set in contrast with a humble nameless woman.
    • Simon pays little attention to his guest, while the woman lavishes attention on Jesus Christ.
  • Woman
    • Now this lady has a different reason to want to see Jesus. She isn’t chasing clout or popularity.
    • She knows that in Jesus Christ is the forgiveness of God. She has received that forgiveness and is utterly grateful.
    • Feet feet feet (vs 38) humility she won’t even stand before him while Simon has hardly even greeted Christ.
  • Genuine worship emanates from your recognition of God’s forgiveness of your PERSONAL sin.

Great love comes from great forgiveness (vss 39-47)

  • Simon 
    • The UNFORGIVEN Simon is repulsed by Jesus. He doesn’t even believe he is a prophet much less the Son of God. As Simon mentally rolls his eyes in disgust, he physically grins at Jesus. You know the condescending look of loathing.
    • Jesus knows what Simon is thinking and interrupts his disgust with a story. Simon, before you get too high and mighty, let me tell you a story.
    • Simon says, Go ahead. (Creditor story in verses 41-42) The question is, who loves more Simon?
    • I suppose…” !!!! Hey bro, you don’t have to SUPPOSE. You know the answer!
    • Jesus gets Simon to explain what’s going on. So the lesson comes from his own mouth.
    • Simon didn’t sin less, he just thought less of his sin.
  • Woman
    • But the woman cannot thank Jesus enough for how he’s forgiven her.
    • Jesus says see her? This is how forgiven people act. See you? That’s how unforgiven people act.
    • Forgiveness transforms lives Simon.
    • The humble have their debts cleared by God. Those seeking God’s mercy and righteousness receive it. Those who are too good for it never receive God’s mercy and are condemned to deal with their own sins before an Almighty Judge.
  • Great love comes from great forgiveness.
    • Maybe you sit there and say this lady’s reaction is unrelatable. It looks crazy to me. According to what you just read, that’s because you’re still in your sin, self-righteous, and unforgiven.
    • My purpose is to help you to love Jesus Christ more, but in doing so I need to get you to understand the forgiveness offered to you in Jesus Christ. But to understand the great forgiveness available in Christ, you must accept that you are someone who needs forgiveness from God.

Great faith leads to God’s forgiveness (vss 48-50)

  • Jesus says she’s forgiven for the sake of those watching. She’s clearly been forgiven which is why she already loves Jesus Christ so much.
  • Simon has Jesus in his house and misses him because he lacks faith in Jesus Christ.
  • She gets it. By faith in Jesus Christ, she is forgiven and given the peace of God.
  • The hypocritical heart is disgusted by Jesus claiming to forgive sins, but the humble soul accepts their sin before a holy God and trusts Jesus Christ to save them from their sins.
  • Who is this that forgives sins? According to the testimony of this book it is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came to take away the sin of the world! Will you trust him??