Cleansed with Water (Exodus #43)

Text: Exodus 30:17-21

You’ll notice the word laver where laveratory comes from. Exodus 38:8 said this wash basin was made with the mirrors used by the women.

Spirit is like water

  • Deuteronomy 32 doctrine like water
  • John 7:38-39

Spirit cleans like water

  • John 15:3
  • Ephesians 5:25-26
  • 1 Peter 1:22 PURIFIED your soul in obeying the truth

Take a bath

  • Most kids don’t like baths. As a kid, when it was time to take a bath sometimes I would go in the bathroom and just turn on the water so it sounded like I was taking a shower or bath. But I wouldn’t get in the water. I would just run water so it sounded like I was taking a bath.
  • James 1:23-24