The Golden Calf (Exodus #46)

Text: Exodus 32

Unacceptable worship (vss 1-6)

  • People worship something. We are wired for worship. When you get rid of that which is worthy of worship, you’ll replace it with something that isn’t worthy of worship.
  • Leadership made some difference
    • Israel had every reason to believe God: miracles, plagues, Red Sea, Mt. Sinai.
    • Exodus 32:1 – They needed Moses.
    • Aaron is not a bad man. He is just unwilling to go against the will of the people. He’s sort of been put in this role as the political representative of the populace. Where Moses is the prophetic voice. It’s interesting going forward that when Aaron dies the people 
  • Gather the gold and jewels must’ve been a tough task.
    • This is the stuff that is supposed to be or will be later given to the building of the tabernacle.
  • Paul warned the Corinthians against idolatry like the Israelites here (1 Corinthians 10:7) the people ate drank and rose up to play.

The Lord repents b/c of Moses mediation (vss 7-14)

The nature of the sin (vss 15-18)

Aaron’s ridiculous excuse (vss 19-24)

Moses calls the people to commit their works to the Lord (vss 25-29)

The wages of sin is death (vss 30-35)