Vindication (Jeremiah #35)

Text: Jeremiah 52

Jeremiah didn’t write the last chapter in Jeremiah but it was a vindication of his ministry. This addendum is a copy of the end of 2 Kings 24 and the beginning of 2 Kings 25. This chapter also contains 2 Chronicles 36 and an earlier prophecy in Jeremiah 39. The reader should understand from this chapter that Jeremiah’s ministry was God’s ministry.

Much needed divine perspective (vss 1-3)

  • This is what the prophets did for people. They provided a divine perspective and explained the work of the LORD in everyday life and in catastrophic events.
    • Jeremiah warned that Nebuchadnezzar was actually doing God’s work on Judah and Jerusalem. Men like king Zedekiah and many of the politicians at the time thought if they could defeat Nebuchadnezzar then they would win. Jeremiah was explaining to them that their wrestling was with God and Nebuchadnezzar was an instrument used by God.
    • This interpretation is supposed to be the work of God through Christians and to a a greater degree pastors and teachers. To offer light in the darkness. This is why Paul gives so much everyday instruction to believers.
  • God’s anger with Israel is the cause of the destruction according to verse 3. That’s the truth of the situation, meaning that is the divine perspective the people need to understand about their Creator and their purpose in life.

The Creator overthrows the wicked who carried His name (vss 4-11)

  • Babylon sieged Jerusalem. This means they cut off all supplies to the city and they wait for the people to die. The rebellious king and several politicians attempt to sneak out of the city and head for Egypt, but they’re captured.
  • The author records the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophesies in the fall of Jerusalem and the deposing of the King of Judah. David’s throne in Jerusalem would be abandoned until the King of the Jews was born. At that time the Father would once again recognize the throne, but in a spiritual way. And the dominion of Jesus, the king of the Jews, must first be spiritual and sacrificial. I understand why people say Jesus isn’t reigning now, but he is reigning in this sense. Everything is measured and judged according to Jesus Christ at this point. He is the authority. His word is true.

The Creator destroys His house (vss 12-23)

  • Again, the author records the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophesies in the destruction of the temple. But what should become clear in all this is the LORD’s concern for the hearts and spirits of people. Notice the heirs of the land are people like Jeremiah in verse 16.
  • The meek shall inherit the earth. The ones who are born from above. The ones who participate in God’s divine nature, are the heirs because they’ll be related to the Son who is the heir.

The rebel priests are murdered and POWs taken to Babylon (vss 24-30)

Hope springs in Babylon (vss 31-34)

  • Thirty-seven years into a prison sentence, king Jehoiachin was released from prison by Nebuchadnezzar’s benevolent son and then king of Babylon. This is set in contrast to many of the Israelites who sought refuge in Egypt. Nebuchadnezzar made his way to Egypt and murdered them. The only safe place in God’s judgment was where God said to go which was to Babylon.
  • Liberated
  • Kindness
  • Honored
  • Dressed
  • Fed – Pergamum Museum in Berlin contains an engraved stone detailing rations given to Jehoicahin and five princes in captivity. It talks about barley and oil being given to these captives. The writing gives insight into the thought of the Babylonians that Jehoiachin was the true king of Judah.