Christian Nationalism (Romans #22)

Christian Nationalism

Text: Romans 13

Christians are citizens of two nations. As such, they have obligations to the laws of each nation. One nation is the nation of kings and priests as God’s kingdom. The other nation is whichever particular nation they physically belong to. In general, these laws do not contradict.

Christians must abide by the laws in which they find themselves. What Paul is going to teach is the same thing Jesus taught the disciples during his ministry. God’s people are strangers and pilgrims. While God’s people answer to a higher power than the state, they obey the laws of the state they find themselves to preserve the honor of the LORD Jesus Christ.

Authority is a social structure created by the God of the Bible (vss 1-4)

  • Christianity is not an overthrow of the government in which a Christian lives.
  • Authority is a structure ordered by God. Principalities and powers are those authority structures.
    • Parents and children are in an order. Generally, as responsibility increases, the rights to establish and enforce policies increase.
    • This was a matter of wisdom and righteousness for the nation of Israel in Exodus 22:28. It is also a matter of wisdom and righteousness for God’s new covenant priesthood.
    • 1 Peter 2:11-16 Christians are not statists, but they do use the laws in their nation appropriately to serve God.
    • Jude 8 warns about them and Jude 16 describes them.
  • The government is given jurisdiction to prosecute evil
    • One of the roles of government is to maintain order and justice in the state.
    • Individuals are not given jurisdiction to prosecute evil unless there is an immediate threat.
    • Damnation means what here? Does it mean hell? (The law of first mention is not a law, it’s a terrible hermeneutic.)
    • Christians must be subject to higher powers so they don’t foolishly end up in prison and because there is no power but God. Being subject is a matter of conscience and being subject to authorities is being subject to God. Sometimes this is the chastening of God as it was with Israel. The LORD told Israelites to subject themselves to the king of Babylon even though he was not holy or righteous.
  • Obey authorities not just out of fear, but out of moral obligation
  • Citizenship is a reflection of Christian values and character

God’s call to citizenship (vss 5-10)

  • Tribute money is something the LORD Jesus Christ taught on in Matthew 17:24-27. The LORD’s point there is Paul’s point here.
    • Tribute: An annual or periodical sum of money or other valuable thing, paid by one prince or nation to another, either as an acknowledgment of submission, or as the price of peace and protection, or by virtue of some treaty.
    • This is how this truth drastically affects the perspective of the disciples. Now, Paul explains how love fulfills the law.
    • Loving God and loving your neighbor was the way to keep the law God gave to the nation of Israel.
    • Jesus taught this in Matthew 22:34-40. And this is possible, furthermore, according to Paul, it is expected of God’s new covenant priesthood.
    • Let me make a distinction here with a little spiritual circumcision.
      • If you love God and love your neighbor, you’re no threat to society, therefore you fulfill the law.
      • If you love God and love your neighbor does that mean your flesh is holy and you’re not prone to wander? No. You’re flesh still requires redemption and you’re expected to keep God’s law by loving God and loving people.
    • Owe no man anything: don’t be late on your payments, don’t be late on your honor, don’t be late on your fear. Children are told to honor their parents. Children who disrespect their parents may be told they OWE their parents respect.
    • 1 Corinthians 10:32-33 – For the sake of convincing souls.
    • Colossians 4:5-6. Them that are without are the Gentiles being talked about.

Warfare is spiritual (vss 11-14)

  • Awake out of your death. Quit being led by your carcass in how you feel about others. Quit being led by your dying body in how you approach trouble. Be led by the Spirit.
  • God’s people are armored with light.
  • Walk honestly. Not walking in drunkenness, fornication, wantonness, contention, and competition.
  • The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds like hatred and bitterness and the lack of love.
  • Put on Jesus Christ.

Christian Nationalism