Sobriety (Titus #13)


Text: Titus 1:8

(What’s Expected of You)

To be sober is to be sane, composed, cool, unimpassioned, not given to mania or madness or even weirdness, and obviously not a drunk. It’s to be fully in control of your senses and thoughts.

Sobriety is necessary in order to think and do as we ought to think and do

  • We have already seen that we must be sober in order to be alert and firmly standing in our faiths if we want to be able to resist the devil, but let’s look at some other passages that deal with why we ought to be sober or clear and collected in our spirits and minds. These passages speak directly to our need for sobriety and what it will allow for us to do.
  • Sobriety allow us to know and tell the truth. (Acts 26:24,25)
  • Sobriety allows us to recognize our sin and stop sinning. (1 Corinthians 15:33,34)
  • Sobriety allows us to be alert and ready for battle. (1 Thessalonians 5:5-9)
  • Sobriety allows us to stand for the truth when things get tough. (II Timothy 2:5)
  • Sobriety allows us to stay completely focused on Jesus. (1 Peter 1:13)
  • Sobriety allows us to pray to God as we ought to. (1 Peter 4:7)

There are substances and conditions in life that can cause us to lose our ability to think clearly

  • Alcohol
    • Drunkenness is included in the works of the flesh that will lead to someone not being able to inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21)
    • Drunkenness is described as a deed of darkness and desire of the flesh in Romans 13:11-13. c)
  • Drugs (illicit & prescription)
  • Uncontrolled emotions

Temptation deceives us into thinking that these are appropriate means of coping with life’s difficulties

  • While most of these things have a proper use in one way or another, sin is about improper use.
  • We might think that we are finding a proper escape from the difficulties of this world, but we are only allowing ourselves to get caught up in a vicious cycle of struggles and pains when we allow for our sobriety to be taken away from us by becoming enslaved to mind-altering substances.

As we go through this list it is clear that discernment and clear thinking are necessary for this type of leadership.