Good Works

Good Works

(Sound Doctrine)

Text: Titus 3

Remember that Christians are influential strangers to this world (vss 1-7)

  • Christians operate within the nations they live. They are not above the law or above other people.
  • Jesus Christ is the pattern because Jesus Christ is the will of God manifest.

True believers maintain good works (vss 8-11)

  • Christians maintain good works.
  • People who will not be moved to good works are dangerously selfish.
    • Foolish questions
    • Genealogies
    • Contentions
    • Strivings about the law
    • After a couple of confrontations about this heretic’s divisive selfishness, it’s time to move on. Don’t waste any more energy on this.

Personal instructions to good works (vss 12-15)

  • Artemis
  • Zenas the lawyer