Psalm 5 – Seek the Lord

Seek the Lord

Text: Psalm 5


Nehiloth is probably a wind instrument. Many of these psalms have musical directions describing either the type of instrument to be played, the key to play the song in, or if this is for a particular vocal group.

David knows to look higher than himself (vss 1-3)

  • My life is a gift from someone higher than me. David understood this.
  • David also understood that his life is lived within the laws and the blessings of the divine lawgiver. He does not make the rules, David is just a man who lives by the rules.
  • Paul said to set your affections on things above.
  • Looks up early on in the day.

The LORD has desires and likes certain things (vss 4-7)

  • The context here is critical. David is being hunted by his son Absalom. And David knows Absalom is on the wrong side of God in this matter.
  • No love the sinner, but hate the sin. Unfortunately, there is no sin without the sinner. The sinner is the problem.
  • God hates lies. This is said so many times in the scriptures.
  • David will invite God’s presence into his life on God’s terms. In mercy and in honor, David will seek out divine intervention.
    • Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.
    • Proverbs 14:26 In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.

David seeks the LORD’s leadership (vss 8-10)

  • David says they have rebelled against thee, speaking of the Lord. For that reason, confuse them and let them fall by their own devices. Sin is the corruption that devours itself.
  • These are not faithful people.
  • Proverbs 18:10

Faith is the victory (vss 11-12)

  • Let ALL those who trust the Lord rejoice! David understands that deliverance, life, and the promises of God do not belong to the Jews (he’s being hunted by wicked Jews who will be destroyed), these things come to those who trust the LORD.
  • Remember this first section of Psalms 1-41 deals with this relationship to God through faith.
  • God’s favor compasses the righteous as with a shield.
  • This is something Isaiah will say and Paul will apply in Ephesians calling it the shield of faith.
  • Psalm 23, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me. So when I look behind me I see goodness and mercy all along the path I’ve walked.

Seek the Lord