Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | TuneIn | RSS | MoreWhen the kids were very young we met an older lady at church who became very dear to our family. She became a wonderful friend. She became a grandmother to our children. She watched them every week […]
christmas sermon Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | TuneIn | RSS | MoreGod classifies them as wise men. “Wise Men” is not an official title, it is how God described an entourage of heathen Gentiles looking for Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews. What’s not obvious to us […] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | TuneIn | RSS | MoreSeason of Sorrow For some folks it can be a time of intense pain because of loss in their lives. Matthew 2:16-18. I realize this is a reference to events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ and […] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | TuneIn | RSS | MoreWonderful news of the birth of Jesus Christ is sent to the shepherds. But it’s not wonderful to you if it’s not personal. Sinful condition Romans 1:28-32 Not only do these things, but take pleasure in them […] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | TuneIn | RSS | MoreJoseph’s mercy Text: Matthew 1:18-25 Consider the testimony of God the Father of this man. God chose this man as the caretaker of his only begotten son in perhaps God’s most vulnerable time on this earth: God […]
Shadows of the Savior Jesus Christ is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. God the Father and God the Son and the Holy Spirit of God all knew the plan of salvation for mankind. And the record God kept was a shadow of Christ. Even the prophecies […] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | TuneIn | RSS | MoreSignificance of the Manger Text: Luke 2:7, 12, 16 The word manger only shows up three times in the Bible; all three times are in the verses we will preach from in Luke chapter 2. It’s significant […] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | TuneIn | RSS | MoreGospel according to Mary Text: Luke 1:46-56 Soul magnifies the LORD (vs 46) Mary says something similar to what John the Baptist said, He must increase, but I must decrease. Jesus Christ should be getting more and […] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | TuneIn | RSS | MoreSimeon’s Hope Text: Luke 2:25-32 Simeon is a spiritual man. He’s an informed man: very informed about the things of God. And this is how a man who knows about the Lord conducts his business. Waiting on […]