Equipping Saul for Service (1 Samuel #12)

Equipping Saul for Service

Text: 1 Samuel 10

Calling (vs 1)

  • Saul will be given an influential and admirable job by the LORD. He’ll be set apart by the LORD to serve on the throne of Israel. That throne is reserved for the LORD Jesus Christ, but Saul will put on it nonetheless.
  • Saul’s anointing doesn’t make Saul right. It doesn’t even make Saul God’s choice. But because of Israel’s demands, and because God’s name is on the nation of Israel, God is going to put His blessings on a man that has no business with them. 
  • (If you want to know the difference between Israel and America, Brazil, Germany, Peru, and every other nation is this, God’s name is on the nation of Israel, but His name is not on any other nation. And He’ll treat Israel in a way that He won’t treat any other nation.)

Confidence (vss 2-8)

  • Samuel tells Saul:
    • At Rachel’s grave you’ll find two men who will confirm that the donkeys are found and your dad is looking for you.
    • In the plain of Tabor you’ll see three men who will give you two loaves of bread.
    • In the hill of God you’ll find people worshipping. You’ll take part in their worship service and the Spirit of the Lord will move you to preach.
    • Then you’ll go to Gilgal and I’ll meet you there in a week.
  • The Lord does these things for Saul to dissolve his doubts about being king and give him courage knowing the LORD is in this and willing to help him. When the LORD speaks about future events in order to provide confidence in His word He is detailed. This isn’t the psychic hotline or horoscope vague generalities.

Changed heart (vss 9-16)

  • Change of heart comes as a result of the events happening that Samuel said would happen. That gave Saul reassurance that the LORD was in it and his heart goes from fearful to encouraged. But it won’t last.
  • Mountain top experience quickly turns into real life.
  • Saul will suffer chronic discouragement. After the Lord encourages his heart, he just doesn’t desire the things of God and worries more about his perception among the people.

Crown to oversee God’s inheritance (vss 17-25)

  • As I’ve said God never intended Israel to have any other king but the LORD Jesus Christ. The fact that the LORD is willing to put a throne in Israel at this time doesn’t make it a good thing and the LORD says that in verse 19 (God protested this in 8:6-9, see also 12:12, 19).
  • It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. The Lord gives Saul a crown to oversee the flock of God. But Saul is hiding in verse 22.

Companions in the face of opposition (vss 26-27)

  • Notice that there were some supporters there because they wanted to help Saul.
  • There were some detractors who were on the wrong side of God, but correct in their assessment of Saul.


  • The LORD will take up a cause for His name’s sake.
  • Blessings don’t mean you’re right with God.