Follow Me (Luke #17)

Text: Luke 5:27-32

The LORD calls people with two words, Follow me. Why follow Jesus? Because he is the way. Following the LORD is a decision and a growing process. We mostly think we are our own person. Most of us probably believe we aren’t followers, but we are. And we’re good at being followers. We follow trends. We follow fashions. We follow language. We follow parts of our culture. We don’t have any trouble following. Most people think their too free-spirited and unique when the reality is we’re too conformed. Nah, we don’t have any trouble following. The trouble we have is following what is right.

Now within this account of Levi, there are three characteristics of this call to follow the way of God in Jesus Christ.

The first thing is saying goodbye (vss 27-28)

  • Levi left all.
    • This is pretty obvious. I can’t go my way and His way at the same time.
    • Levi’s business would now be God’s business. He isn’t inviting the LORD into his plans, Levi responds to an invitation into God’s plan.
    • God’s will is now Levi’s will. God’s desire is now Levi’s desire.
    • Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
  • Levi rose up
    • It’s a higher calling. The LORD invites men to participate in His divine nature instead of their base nature.
    • Instead of chasing beauty, follow virtue.
    • Instead of chasing the almighty dollar, follow charity.
    • Instead of chasing muscle and strength, follow integrity.
    • Instead of chasing celebrity, follow humility.
    • Instead of justifying myself, justify God.
    • This is a call to a higher purpose than those vain things that can’t last.
  • Levi follows the LORD
    • Christianity is following Christ. Jesus isn’t telling people to go in a direction He’s not already walked. To follow means you walk in His steps. He doesn’t ask you to go anywhere He hasn’t gone.
  • No servant is greater than his master. Jesus Christ isn’t going to walk one path while you walk another. But you probably want to say the Lord is my shepherd. Is he leading you?
  • Paul said follow me as I follow Christ.

The second thing is fellowship with the LORD (vs 29)

  • This calling leads to making the LORD and His friends welcome in your life.
  • Does Jesus stand at the door and knock or does he have an invitation into your life?
  • Levi made him a great feast…
  • There is fellowship in his suffering and fellowship in feasting. Rejoice in the LORD!
  • You make preparations when you have company over and the LORD is no different.
  • The other people that are welcome in your life are those who welcome Jesus Christ into their life.

The third thing describes what God calls people to (vs 30)

  • When people who love the LORD make room for the LORD in their life, the hypocrites complain. And in their self-righteous accusation, you see the reason God calls people.
  • The whole point of the call is to call sinners to repentance. 
  • So the LORD finds Levi as a sinner looking for the Messiah.
  • Jesus Christ is the great physician and as doctors go sick people go to doctors. The doctor provides a remedy and some instructions just like Jesus Christ. Which you then either FOLLOW or neglect. Have you come to Jesus for help but don’t like his instruction?
  • His commandments aren’t grievous. His goal is freedom from sin and corruption. The way of the LORD is strength.
  • Don’t be ashamed of the testimony of the Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be a partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; Who called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace… and is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel… (2 Timothy 1:8-10)
  • People are called to life and immortality in Jesus Christ who is the way. Levi followed the LORD Jesus Christ and you and I should too.