Victorious Life

Text: Ephesians 6:10-13

If you’re oblivious to your surroundings

Be strong in the LORD (vs 10)

  • Being strong in the LORD means allowing the LORD to be strong, so you’ll have to stop leaning on your own understanding.
  • What follows are the LORD’s weapons in the warfare you’re involved in.
    • Weapons such as truth, righteousness, peace, faith, hope, and the words of God.
  • The issues of life are spiritual and moral.
  • Your problem isn’t biology, your problem is discipline.
  • Your problem isn’t chemistry in your body, it’s believing lies.
  • David and Goliath. The victory doesn’t belong to the strongest and biggest because that’s not the battle. The warfare isn’t muscle versus muscle.

Put on spiritual armor (vs 11)

  • God’s armor
    • Put on the whole armour of God…
    • Armor of light in Romans 13:12
    • Armor of righteousness in 2 Corinthians 6:7
    • Weapons mighty through God 2 Corinthians 10:4; able to destroy imaginations
    • Your armor is truth, hope, faith, peace
  • …that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil… You will not be able to fight without it.

Know the mission (vs 12)

  • If you don’t understand what you’re fighting against, you won’t stand. You’ll never know what hit you. And in a spiritual battle, the target isn’t physical. Although it’s going to have physical effects.
  • But I can’t lift weights and become a more discerning person. I can’t run a marathon and that make me a more spiritual person.
  • Peter fought the wrong battle in the garden. He drew his sword to kill Malchus, but by then the battle for him was already lost in the prayer room.
  • King Josiah gets into a fight with the king of Egypt after being warned not to insert himself in the war Egypt has with Assyria.
  • This is why the fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5 is so needed. Because if I understand what the LORD is trying to produce, then I also understand where the battles are.

Take up the strength of God so you can stand (vs 13)